Migration of Creation and the Call to Responsible Stewardship
As a global community, many of us have continued to hear and read about the on-going events related to the Deepwater Horizon explosion and ongoing oil being released into the Gulf of Mexico extending into other parts of the United States and beyond. This is certainly not the first tragic event related to the extraction of resources, nor will it be the last. While this unfortunate series of events began with the loss of human life, it is now including the loss of wildlife and the migration of God’s creation to more nurturing areas of life whenever possible. One might say this is typical the world over where extraction occurs.
- Live simply and resist consumerism as much as possible to reduce dependence on “oil products.”
- Look for environmentally sensitive specifications on goods and services we purchase.
- Examine environmental policies and advocate for policies that protect all creation.
- Support those directly affected in any way through prayer and monetary support.
- Eliminate, whenever possible, products that are only good for one-time use.
- Nurture the adaptation of alternative energy and fuels.
- Hold governments and corporations accountable in caring for Earth.
- Conduct a periodic environmental audit both personally and as a group.
- Challenge groups to deepen their ecological commitment to more sustainable living.
Reflection/Action: “The environment is God's gift to everyone, and in our use of it we have a responsibility towards the poor, towards future generations and towards humanity as a whole." Charity in Truth by Pope Benedict XVI, paragraph 48
Reflecting on the above practicalities, what recent sacrifice have I made to reduce my use of oil and the petrochemicals that are derived from oil remembering that no effort is too small and all efforts are important to future generations and the human family?
Purchasing a product that contains a fair trade logo (pictures of some of these) means that:
- Forced and exploitative child labor is prohibited (thus avoiding further exploitation of trafficked children)
- Guaranteed set prices that provide a living wage for those who have produced them (thus empowering women and others to dignified work)
- Sustainable farming is promoted (thus promoting care of Earth)
Action: Look for these labels (personally and corporately) and shop with local merchants whom you can ask about where their products come from.
Responsible Estate Tax in the United States
- Exempt the first $3.5 million of wealth in an estate from federal taxation ($7 million for couples)
- Institute a progressive graduated rate structure so that the super wealthy pay more
- Include a billionaire’s surtax of 10 percent
- Closes all of the Estate and Gift Tax Loopholes requested in FY 2011 budget by Obama
- Protects family farmers by allowing them to lower value of farmland by up to #3 million for estate tax purposes
- Benefits farmers and landowners by providing estate tax relief for conservation easements