The Updated SCN Process for making a Corporate Stance is located here.
Immigration: Urge Speaker Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor to move swiftly forward on immigration that includes a pathway to legalization and eventual citizenship for the undocumented, reforms the family and business immigration system and provides visas for Irish workers by calling 1-866-940-2439 or visiting their contact pages at and
Immigration: Tell Speaker Boehner and Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte how unacceptable Representative Steve King’s remarks likened DREAMers to drug mules.
Promoting Peace: Urge U.S. Senators to support and sign the Feinstein letter to President Obama supporting diplomacy with Iran.
Sign a petition urging state legislators to say NO to the American Legislative Exchange Commission (ALEC).
Urge U.S. Representatives and Senators to support the Fair Minimum Wage Act.
Urge U.S. legislators to oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement fast track.
Urge Governor Beshear to work to oppose the Bluegrass Pipeline and include it in the August 2013 special session of the General Assembly.
An economic toolkit containing messages for legislators on the budget is located here.
An economic toolkit containing messages for legislators on the budget is located here.
A toolkit on immigration containing legislative messages is here.