Thursday, July 22, 2010

Weekly Justice Highlights

Mixed News: The U.S. Senate voted to extend unemployment insurance for more than 2 million people. Other benefits like extended COBRA subsidies, TANF Emergency Funds, jobs programs, and the Housing Trust Fund are still in limbo as senators complain that there is no money to pay for these things.
Two bills can help this situation. Call or write senators asking to sign on as co-sponsors of
S. 3533, the Responsible Estate Tax Act, introduced by Sens. Sanders, Sherrod Brown, Franken, Harkin, and Whitehouse – Act here

S. 3500, the Local Jobs for America Act, introduced by Sens. Sherrod Brown, Begich and Franken. Act here

Right to Water: As early as the last week of July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly may be voting on a Resolution to support the Human Right to Water and Sanitation. However, the UK, USA, Australia, and Canada are blocking this resolution. Visit to urge ambassadors from as many countries as you wish to support the right to safe and clean drinking water and sanitation as a universal human right.

Immigration: Urge U.S. legislators to pass the DREAM Act as a step toward comprehensive immigration reform

Other Potential Actions:
Nurserymen’s exchange is one of the nation’s largest wholesalers of nursery plants. In July, nearly half of their employees were laid off after working decades with the company. The company wanted to hire out of town labor contractor workers so they could pay cheap wages and no benefits with the option later of rehiring with payment of minimum wage and no benefits. Act to hold corporations accountable here

As people of faith, we are called to stand by those suffering from the oil disaster. Call or email U.S. Senators and Representatives urging them to work with stakeholders, hold responsible parties accountable, ensure help reaches those in need, commit to long-term recovery and take steps to prevent future disasters here

Urge U.S. Senators to support the START Treaty that brings us one step closer to a world free of nuclear weapons here
(Senate action pending, act this week)

Support the International Violence Against Women Act

Write the EPA expressing your concern to the proposed Solid Waste Definition Rule that will allow untold numbers of facilities across the United States to burn scrap plastics, used chemicals, and other industrial wastes without emission controls, air monitoring, or reporting requirements here

On July 29 (New AZ law (SB1070) takes effect), individuals and groups around the United States will be praying and participating in acts of resistance to show support for the Immigrants and the need for comprehensive reform of U.S. immigration laws. A prayer service from the Interfaith Worker Justice is located at

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