Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Weekly Justice Highlights

Good News: Thanks to the efforts of health care advocates who took action quickly, the House passed a new bill that extends Medicaid funding to states. That means the bill is headed to President Obama’s desk to be signed into law since the Senate has already passed this legislation.

Challenging unjust structures: Bangladesh workers are being punished as a result of Walmart’s lack of aggressive action to Nassa Global Wear in stopping human rights violations. Urge Walmart to use their full influence to encourage Nassa and the government of Bangladesh to stop persecuting workers and labor leaders here

Other Potential Actions:
Urge the Obama Administration to commit to $6 billion to the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria over the next three years by clicking here

Urge Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to call for an impartial, international investigation into the recent violence that has taken place in southern Kyrgyzstan by clicking here at

Urge U.S. Senators to provide $15 million for the ALS (Lou Gehrig’s) Research Program in 2011 here (scroll down page to BLUE box)

Recently, U.S. citizens learned of $8.7 billion missing from the Iraqi Development Fund. Inexplicably, the Department of Defense doesn’t know where 95% of a critical reconstruction program went. You are invited to contact Congress and the Obama Administration here

Bread for the World Sunday is October 17 in many congregations/parishes throughout the United States. Materials can be downloaded here Spanish resources can also be downloaded at the same web site.

Christians for Comprehensive Immigration Reform has put out a “Reel images of Immigration study guide for the movies: Made in L.A., Dying to Live, and The Visitor. It can be downloaded here

Louisville, KY: On August 21 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Cultivating Connections will host a screening and discussion workshop on Fuel: Change Your Fuel, Change the World at St. Matthews Episcopal Church (330 N Hubbards Lane). FUEL is a comprehensive and entertaining look at energy in America: a history of where we have been, our present predicament and a solution to our dependence on foreign oil. Participants are asked to bring their own lunch and reserve a seat by contacting or call 502.897.2721 Donations are requested.

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