Thursday, October 28, 2010

Weekly Justice Highlights

Water: The New York (NY) State Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has released a plan that would permit hydraulic fracturing as a way of drilling for natural gas tapped in rock underlying over a thousand acres of NY state. This act would result in thousands of wells and pipelines that would seriously damage the lands and forests above ground as well as poison the ground water used by NY city. The public is invited to contact Governor Paterson, the DEC, and legislators opposing the leasing of state forests for hydro-fracking (Act by October 31)

Care of Earth: U.S. citizens are urged to tell the
Environmental Protection Agency and President Obama to save lives by setting a stronger smog standard (Act this week)

Holding Corporations Accountable: Barrick and PJV, the largest gold mining operations in Papua New Guinea have sat by silently while local police have terrorized residents to remove them from valuable land. Demand
accountability for forced convictions (Act this week)

Other Potential Actions:
Urge Congress to pass an extension of unemployment benefits (expire November 30) until the jobless rate begins to subside at (Act this week)

Some U.S. insurance companies are trying to evade the requirements of the new law by refusing to sell ANY “child only” plans because they only want to cover the healthiest children thereby placing profits ahead of children. Support the Obama Administration in sending e-cards urging these insurers to play fair and put an
end to discrimination against children with pre-existing conditions (Act this week)

Kaiser has put together a website providing analysis (myths and facts) on the recent health care legislation

Residents of Kentucky who desire clean energy jobs, affordable renewable energy and healthy communities can
pledge to support candidates and elected officials working for this

Free downloadable resources for educators who teach grades 4-9 are available. These include background information, games, exercises and suggestions for activities to Make Hunger History.

Louisville: The annual trip to the School of Americas is being organized by KITLAC. The bus(es) will leave Louisville at 5 a.m. on November 20 from the Crowne Plaza Hotel (830 Phillips Lane) in Louisville and return late Sunday evening (hopefully by 11p.m. or midnight). Cost for bus is $75.00. Hotel accommodations can also be made at an additional cost by KITLAC. For more information and registration, contact Mary Ann Lambert at 502.425.3844 or Deadline for registration is October 29, 2010

Louisville: The 4th Annual Anne Braden Memorial Lecture featuring a presentation by Bernice Johnson Reagon will speak on The Civil Rights Movement and Students: Creating a Vital, Transformative Change in the Struggle for American Freedom on November 5 at 6 p.m. at Comstock Hall (U of L School of Music)

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