Thursday, January 13, 2011

Weekly Justice Highlights

Care of Earth: The U.S. Department of Agriculture is about to approve Monsanto's genetically engineered (GE) alfalfa, despite the fact that it's likely to contaminate other crops, including organic alfalfa. Contamination of organic crops from GE crops can destroy markets for organic farmers. Urge President Obama and the US Department of Agriculture to preserve organic and reject GE alfalfa.

Care of Earth: The Oil Spill Commission recently released the full version of its comprehensive report on the BP oil disaster which concludes that systemic failures throughout the oil industry mean that a similar catastrophe “might well recur.” Urge Congress to implement the Commission’s recommendations to support restoration of the Gulf and protect all U.S. coasts from future disasters.

Water: Members of the U.S. Congress spent $190,000 on bottled water in the first quarter of 2010. Recently the general manager of DC Water and Sewage Authority sent Speaker Boehner a letter urging him to cut expenses, protect the environment and support investment in the nation’s drinking water infrastructure by choosing tap water. Ask U.S. Representatives to support fiscal responsibility by cutting spending on bottled water.

Water: Clay County (Kentucky) is scheduled to have a public hearing on a coal companies’ proposal to mine in the cleanest section of Kentucky River’s South Fork. Written comments to support the community’s petition are being accepted until January 14 at

Other Potential Actions:

Urge the Obama Administration to exert real pressure on Israel to end its illegal siege of the Gaza Strip, and to stop preventing the United Nations from holding Israel accountable for what the Goldstone Report documented to be violations of human rights and international law, war crimes, and possible crimes against humanity committed before, during and after “Cast Lead.”

Bees are dying off and our entire food chain is in danger. Scientists are saying toxic pesticides are the cause. Four European governments have banned them but they are still for sale in the United States. Urge EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson to join the ban and save the bees from extinction.

Illinois legislators recently passed a bill that is now with the Governor to abolish the death penalty in their state. Individuals are invited to thank the bill sponsors, State Rep. Karen Yarbrough and State Senator Kwame Raoul.

Louisville, KY: An LG& E neighborhood meeting on coal ash organizing will take place on January 27 at 6:30 p.m. at Millcreek VFW Post 5421 (7111 Lower Hunters Trace, Louisville, KY 40258) 502.448.5421. LG& E plans to build a 14 story tall Coal Ash containment expansion in the area of West Louisville. Anyone concerned about water, air and our neighborhoods is invited. For more details contact Thomas Pearce at 502.614.8172.

KY: If you haven’t called State Representatives about SB6, an immigration bill worse than Arizona SB 1070, please do so at 1-800-372-7181 urging opposition of the bill and tell others to call too.

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