Thursday, April 7, 2011

Weekly Justice Highlights

Care of Earth: The Indian Government is in a hurry to approve the Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) bill in the upcoming Parliament session. According to one version, the bill can clear genetically modified (GM) foods thus threatening food safety and the environment. Write Prime Minister Manmohan Signh asking him to stop the BRAI bill. (International action available)

Immigrants: Sign a petition asking President Obama to stop deporting our DREAMERs and the parents of U.S. citizen children. (scroll down to sign petition)

Working and Praying for Peace: The Commission for Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation of the Union of International Superior Generals invites individuals to participate in a Global Day of Action on Military Spending on April 12. Individuals are invited to pray for peace, become more aware of global military spending, share information with others, write their country’s Defense personnel, and engage in other creative ideas. You may visit the Global Day of Action on Military Spending website for factsheets and other information.

Other Potential Actions:
Call on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to use its windfall to fund debt cancellation for impoverished countries in crisis. This petition will be delivered during the April 15-17 IMF/World Bank meetings in Washington, DC.

This week Congressman Paul Ryan introduced a FY 2012 budget resolution that slashes $1.43 trillion from Medicare and Medicare, putting seniors’ health and financial security at risk. Included in this proposal are tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires. Send House Leadership (i.e. Paul Ryan, John Boehner and Eric Cantor) an email asking what they have against seniors.

Congress has still not agreed on legislation to fund the federal government for the rest of this fiscal year. The Senate has offered an additional $20 billion in cuts to the already $10 billion while the House leadership has not budged from the demand for $61 billion in cuts. Urge Senators and Representatives to do better with a sample message for editing located here.

Louisville, KY: A 1.5 mile Walk for Justice (Stations of the Cross) will be held on April 22 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. beginning in front of the Mazzoli Federal Building (south side of Chestnut between 6th and 7th Streets) and conclude at Founders Square Park (on 5th between Muhammad Ali and Liberty). Parking is available in a garage located next to the Cathedral where the walk ends.

During this Lenten season among the many aspects to reflect upon is that of Jesus’ resistance to the Roman Empire who controlled his country at the time. As the “struggles” in the Middle East continue, reflection on the potential reality is not difficult to imagine or pray about. Complementing this reflection is an article entitled, This is What Resistance Looks Like

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