Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Weekly Justice Highlights

Challenging Unjust Systems: Syrian death squads are killing protesters in their hospital beds, whilst Russia arms the regime and blocks international action to end the carnage. But pressure is building in the region, and if enough of us speak out now, we could persuade Turkey and Germany to use their leverage to get Russia to stop propping up this murderous regime. Sign a petition to the leaders of Turkey, Germany and the Arab League.

Challenging Unjust Government: The situation in Sudan is dire and it's getting worse with every day that passes. Sudan's president, Omar al-Bashir, the same man responsible for the atrocities in Darfur is at it again — slaughtering men, women and children and displacing hundreds of thousands of people in South Kordofan and Blue Nile, Sudan. Sign a postcard to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton demanding justice.

Care of Earth: Urge President Obama to ignore the cozy relatioships he has with key State Department officials and corporate oil lobbyists for the pipeline and to veto the Keystone XL Pipeline himself.

Next year, genetically engineered sweet corn, the first Monsanto crop designed to be consumed by people, is genetically engineered to produce pesticides and resist herbicides. Sign a petition telling your grocery store not to see genetically engineered sweet corn.

Congress passed a Continuing Resolution (CR) to keep the federal government funded until November 18. Between now and then, they will be working to pass the appropriations bills for fiscal year 2012 (which began on October 1, 2011). A sample message for customization is here.  Meanwhile, the Super Committee continues to work on a plan to reduce deficits in future years. We have a sample message that you can customize and send to your members of Congress about the deficit reduction plan.

Call and urge U.S. Senators ( - NOT toll free) to vote yes on Senator Webb’s National Criminal Justice Commission Act amendment to the CJS Appropriations bill later this week. The commission created by the National Criminal Justice Commission Act would conduct a long overdue review of our criminal justice system. National Religious Campaign Against Torture believes that this review would lead to positive changes in the treatment of prisoners, including, potentially, a recommendation to limit the use of prolonged solitary confinement.

Louisville: On October 24 at Frazier Hall (Bellarmine University), Kentucky Interfaith Power and Light will be hosting When Spirit Meets Action: Working Together In Response to Climate Change with special guest, author and activist, Julia Butterfly Hill. Julia is the young woman who lived in an ancient redwood tree for two years in a world-changing effort to protect old growth forests.

Louisville: Journey of the Universe will be screened on November 6 at the IMAX Theatre (727 West Main Street) at 5 p.m.; November 7 at 10:30 a.m. at Louisville Collegiate School (2427 Glenmary Avenue) and at Bellarmine University (2001 Newburg Rd) at 4 p.m. with discussion to follow. Contact Kathleen Lyons for more information.

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