In the Spirit of St. Vincent: Call U.S. Senators (202.224.3121) telling them that the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth have signed the SAVE for All letter (a letter encouraging a budget and deficit reduction plan that must protect low-income and vulnerable people, invest in jobs and take the responsible course of increasing revenues from fair sources seeking savings by targeted waste) and that you urge them to be strong advocates for the SAVE principles and policy “asks.” An email for personal editing is located here.
Care of Earth: Urge Congress to work toward an equitable, sustainable farm bill. When legislators return after Election Day, thousands of signatures will be passed on to legislators telling Congress we need a 2012 Farm Bill that invests in the future of healthy farms, food and people; protects our precious air, soil, water and reforms farm subsidies and levels the playing field.
An anti-hate coalition of 127 organizations is asking all people of conscience to contact the Washington Area Metropolitan Transit Authority (WMATA) and ask that it help mitigate the negative impact of anti-Muslim advertisements now on display in D.C.-area metro stations. The ads strongly suggest that Arab or Muslim opponents of
The Obama Administration is moving ahead with a plan for the Western Arctic Reserve that will protect vital habitat for caribou, polar bears, beluga whales and millions of migratory birds. Ask Interior Secretary Salazar to stand strong against those who would weaken this wildlife-friendly plan.
Sign and share the National Religious Campaign Against Torture Statement against Solitary Confinement that will be shared with state governors, state legislators and top state correction officials.
Louisville: Louisville Gas and Electric (LG&E) has announced the early closure of the dirty coal-fired Can Run plant. Push LG&E to invest in energy efficiency programs and renewable energy technologies to reduce the need to burn fossil fuels in Jefferson County.
October 24 was the 67th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations: A free United Nation’s daily e-mail briefing called, UN Wire, informing the international community on news can be obtained by signing up here.
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