Immigration: Urge President Obama and Speaker Boehner to follow through on promises to put immigration reform at the top of their agenda.
In the Spirit of St. Vincent: With 40% of the world’s population living on less than $2/day, urge U.S. legislators to oppose any budget cuts to foreign aid.
Care of Earth: Thank Heroes of Proposition 37 (CA proposition to label GMO food) who helped increase awareness of GMO in food.
Challenging Unjust Systems: Urge
Urge President Obama to sign the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture that sets up mechanisms that prevent torture and abuse in any place of confinement including jails, prisons, detention centers, police stations, mental health facilities and more.
Urge Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson to prioritize ending mountaintop removal coal mining over the next four years.
Urge BP to stop stalling, take responsibility and pay the maximum Clean Water fines for the Gulf oil spill which they are liable.
Sign a petition urging Congress to protect Social Security and Medicare.
Louisville: The Metropolitan Housing Coalition invites residents to send a postcard to their Metro Councilperson to support changes to the Land Development Code that increases opportunities for multi-family housing and smaller lot sizes and that allow increased density in residential use of land.
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