Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Weekly Justice Highlights

In solidarity with those living in poverty:  Urge JimYong Kim, president of the World Bank to protect poor people’s rights and freeze its investment in land while it sets a fair standard for others. (International action available)  Land grabbing that forces poor people from their homes, jobs and food is an injustice and ruins lives.

Promoting Nonviolence: Urge federal legislators to support President Obama’s plan to reduce gun violence.  

Challenging Unjust Systems: On May 11th, 2012 a helicopter carrying Honduran police and DEA agents opened fire on a riverboat in the Honduran Moskitia. Four civilians were killed in the attack, including a 14 year-old boy and two pregnant women. Eight months have passed since the tragedy occurred and despite international outcry there has been no credible investigation into what happened. Urge U.S.Representatives to urge the State Department to ensure that a credible investigation takes place.

Sequestration and Debt Limit: Urge federal legislators to cut Pentagon spending by eliminating sources of irresponsible spending, demand the Pentagon be audited annually, reform the tax code and continue to provide SNAP, WIC and other supplemental programs to those most vulnerable as they negotiate the debt limit and sequestration.   

Urge Margaret A. Hamburg, Commissioner US Food and Drug Administration, to reject the approval of AquaBounty’s transgenic salmon for human consumption.  The effects of consuming such meat have not sufficiently been researched and this approval could mean genetically modified animals worldwide.   

Globally, more than 2.5 billion people live in poverty and survive on less than $2/day.  During Poverty Awareness month, U.S. citizens are invited to urge Congress to oppose any cuts to lifesaving foreign aid.     

Resource: The Choices We Face: A Guide for FaithLeaders to the Federal Budget and Tax Debate is a resource perfect for social action groups at your church, Sunday school, or a college classroom.

Catholics Confront Global Poverty has a video about poverty-focused international assistance entitled, “Careless Cuts Cost Lives.”  Take action after viewing here.  

KY:  Individuals may view KET’s “The Price of Poverty in Kentucky with Bill Goodman and Renee Shaw.

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