Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Weekly Justice Highlights

Challenging Unjust Systems:  Urge Chinese officials to stop the execution of Li Yan who is on death row in China for murdering her husband after repeated hideous abuse and futile pleas to police (International action is available).   

Care of Earth: Urge Rafael Correa Delgado, President of Ecuador to immediately protect the Amazon from the devastation of oil exploitation (International action is available).

Empowering Women: Eve Ensler, actress and author, invites you to join crowds in 177 of the 196 countries of the world who have decided that enough is enough with regard to violence against women. It is time for those who really believe in the full humanity of their daughters and in the moral integrity of their sons to tell the world they will no longer tolerate violence against women.  Join in the dance on Valentine’s day in solidarity with individuals around the world. 

Immigration: Urge U.S. House leaders to support common sense, humane immigration reform that prioritizes family unity and creates a pathway to citizenship for aspiring Americans who are currently undocumented.  Please include calls to Rep. Cantor, House Majority Leader (V-7): 202-225-2815; Rep. Goodlatte (VA-6): 202-225-5431; Rep. Gowdy (SC-4): 202-225-6030; Rep. Labrador (ID-1): 202-225-6611; Rep. Poe (TX-2): 202-225-6565; and Rep. Carter (TX-31): 202-225-3864.  Phone charges apply on all calls.

Water: Urge the Environmental Protection Agency and President Obama to permanently protect Appalachia from mountaintop removal mining.  

Tell U.S. Senators that revenue must be part of the budget equation. (edit message to make personal)

Beginning March 1, $31.4 billion in cuts to domestic programs like WIC, Head Start, child care, housing, home energy, and homeless aid, education and training, and much more. Medicare will be cut by $11.2 billion. Urge U.S. Senators and Representative to oppose these cuts, and to replace them with revenues from high-income individuals and profitable corporations and with savings from reining in Pentagon waste.  

Urge U.S. Senators to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (S. 47) that would empower women worldwide.  

Call and urge U.S. Senators (202.224.3121; Charges apply) urging them to sign a letter, sponsored by Senator Feinstein, to the president in support of a comprehensive Arms Trade Treaty. 

Urge President Obama and Secretary of Agriculture TomVilsack to keep country of origin labeling on meat and vegetables coming from other countries.    

Louisville: The Green Convene has arranged a meeting with the Mayor’s Visioning Project on February 12 from 6:30 to 8:30 at the Louisville Downtown Library.  Attendees are being solicited in the areas of sustainability, local farming, energy, transportation, etc. to provide insights and vision to the Mayor’s project.  Please come and share ideas and let others who may be interested know of this gathering.    

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