Thursday, March 28, 2013

Weekly Justice Highlights

Empowering Women: Urge Maldives President Waheed to save a 15-year-old rape survivor who is now being whipped in public for “sex outside of marriage." (International action is available)

In the Spirit of St. Vincent: Urge U.S. legislators to come to a just plan for funding the government in FY 2014 that increases revenue, cuts Pentagon spending even more, and protects people at the margins of society by ensuring basic needs are met.   

Care of Earth: Urge U.S. Senators to co-sponsor and support S. 332, the Climate Protection Act that sets a rising and predictable fee on carbon emissions that must be paid by producers and urge U.S. representatives to support legislation that promotes energy efficiency and places a cap on carbon pollution.  

Challenging Unjust Corporations: Earlier this month, student guestworkers brought in on visas to work at McDonald’s in Pennsylvania went on strike to blow the whistle on retaliation and labor abuse. The students alleged they had to work up to 25-hour shifts while earning less than the minimum wage, and faced threats of deportation if they spoke up.  Call (1.800.323.4903 OR 1.800.244.6227; NO charges apply) or stop in at McDonald’s and urge them to take responsibility for retaliation and labor abuse at all its restaurants. 

Challenging Unjust Structures: The Monsanto Protection Act (H.R. 933), recently signed by the President, strips federal courts of their power to restrict the use of genetically modified crops that they find have not undergone a complete environmental impact assessment from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.  Urge President Obama to issue an executive order to call for the mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods.

Immigration: During Spring recess, let federal legislators know that you care deeply about compassionate comprehensive immigration reform that includes a commonsense path to citizenship; prioritizes family unity and addresses the particular needs of immigrant women; addresses the root causes of illegal immigration, including the brokenness of the current system; and includes funding for integration of new Americans. The Interfaith Immigration Coalition Neighbor to Neighbortoolkit has lots of helpful resources including: talking points, sample scripts, etc.  A message is available for editing is here

Promoting Peace:  Urge President Obama to agree on a global treaty to ban selling of weapons to those that commit genocide.   

Urge President Obama and Congress to close Guantanamo as soon as possible.   

Urge President Obama to refuse to sign any budget deal that cuts retirement benefits, and drop your proposal to cut Social Security benefits by using the “chained CPI” to reduce cost-of-living adjustments.   

Urge President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry to move quickly to appoint a Senior Envoy to the Great Lakes Region thus making Congo a higher priority.

Louisville:  The procession of the Stations of the Cross will begin at the Mazzoli Federal Building (7th and Chestnut) on March 29 at 9:30 a.m. and end around 11:30 a.m. at Founders Square (5th and Liberty St.)  

Louisville: An all you can eat pizza buffet to benefit the AIDS Interfaith Ministries of Kentuckiana will be held at Clifton’s Pizza Company (2230 Frankfort Ave.) on Monday, April 15 from 5 to 8:30 p.m.  Tickets may be purchased in advance for $12 (adults) and $15 at the door and includes free soft drinks.  Purchase tickets at our web site: or email our store:

Louisville:  On April 18, Julie Driscoll, SCN and David Horvath will present, “Bridging the Divide/Creating Community with the People of Nicaragua,” at the Fellowship of Reconciliation and Interfaiths Path to Peace third Thursday luncheons.  The luncheon is hosted at The Rudyard Kipling (422 West Oak Street, Louisville) with a buffet lunch at 11:30 a.m.  Tickets are $7 with reservations from Cathy Ford (458.1223) or Polk Culpepper (948.2077) by the Tuesday before the lunch. 

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