Thursday, April 18, 2013

Weekly Justice Highlights

Empowering Women: Currently, the Afghan Government is holding peace talks with the Taliban and the US Government - but women are not at the negotiating table.  Individuals are invited to urge the Afghan, U.S.,and Australian governments not to forget Afghan women in the current peace negotiations.   (International actions is available)   

Empowering Women:  Tell Victoria Secret and Limited Brands’ communications team and board of directors to stop sexualized marketing to younger girls (this objectifies woman, denies her value and disrespects the woman).  

Care of Earth:   Offer President Obama and Secretary ofState John Kerry a reason to reject the Keystone XL pipeline in an effort to protect resources for future generations and protect Earth from climate change.    

Challenging unjust government systems:  U.S. citizens are invited to call members of Congress and President Obama urging them to take social security cuts in the form of smaller cost-of-living adjustments off the table in the FY 2014 budget.  Social security has nothing to do with the deficit and thus I oppose all efforts to cut social security and to increase taxes on wealthy individuals and profitable corporations. Action can also be taken by clicking here.   

Challenging Unjust Corporations: Urge Nike to stop doing business with Daewoo International, a company that knowingly profits from forced labor in Uzbekistan.  

Farm Bill Reauthorization:  Individuals are invited to call (; charges apply) Senate Agriculture Committee members ( Senators Michael Bennet, CO ; Saxby Chambliss, GA; Tom Harkin, IA; Charles Grassely, IA; Joe Donnelly, IN; Mitch McConnell, KY; Pat Roberts, KS; William Cowan, MA; Debbie Stabenow, MI; Amy Klobuchar, MN; Thad Cochran, MS; Max Baucus, MT; John Hoeven, ND; Heidi Heitkamp, ND; Mike Johanns, NE; Kirsten Gillibrand, NY; John Thune, SD; and Patrick Leahy, VT) urging them to write a new farm bill that provides struggling families in need of food with additional funding for The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) and oppose any cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). 

Nuclear Weapons:  U.S. citizens are invited to call U.S. Representatives (; charges apply) to co-sponsor H.R. 1506 (the Smarter Approach to Nuclear Expenditures Act) to save money by cutting wasteful nuclear weapons spending. 

Care of Earth:  Urge President Obama to take action for climate change as stated boldly in his inaugural and State of the Union addresses. 

An Earth day prayer service prepared by the Sisters of the Holy Cross Justice office.

Immigration:  The newly released Senate bill is located here.

KY:  On April 22, Kentucky Interfaith Power and Light is offering a program entitled, Cool Harvest: Food, Faith and Climate at the Church of Epiphany (914 Old Harrod Creeks Road, Anchorage, KY) at 7 pm.  The program explores the realities, the possibililities and our responsibilities around food, faith and our environment.  More information is located here.  (Scroll down)

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