Thursday, May 23, 2013

Weekly Justice Highlights

Immigration: The Senate Judiciary passed S. 744, immigration legislation out of committee.  It is now expected to go to the Senate floor after the Memorial Day recess.  Watch for upcoming action in the action alert.

Challenging Unjust Structures: Urge President Obama to close Guantanamo as the president has been pushed to respond with a major speech about the prison. 

Promoting Peace: Urge President Obama to abstain from any U.S. or allied military attack on Syria and to rely on diplomacy and international cooperation to help resolve the terrible humanitarian crisis and civil war.  

Challenging Unjust Structures: Urge CEO’s of those factories in Bangladesh who make clothing for GAP, H&M and others to commit to creating a strong building and fire safety pact.

Care of Earth: Urge the Department of Interior’s Secretary Sally Jewell to support no new hydraulic fracturing leases on public lands. 

In the Spirit of St. Vincent: Urge the House Appropriations Committee not to provide more funding to the Defense, Homeland Security and Military Construction subcommittees at the expense of human needs.   

Urge U.S. Representatives to oppose fast track approval of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.  

As U.S. Senators continue to work on the farm bill, urge them to support right to know for consumers of Genetically Modified Organisms in food, country of origin labeling, and support crop diversity to help control pests.      

Louisville:  An Interfaith Memorial Day Service will be held on May 27 at 11 a.m. at Westwood Presbyterian Church (4432 Greenwood Ave.)  All are invited and welcome.

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