Thursday, June 20, 2013

Weekly Justice Highlights

Good News: While just the beginning, the June 2013, G8 Lough Erne Declaration contains commitments in addition to this introductory statement:  Private enterprise drives growth, reduces poverty, and creates jobs and prosperity for people around the world. Governments have a special responsibility to make proper rules and promote good governance. Fair taxes, increased transparency and open trade are vital drivers of this. For more information on the document, click here

Immigration: A PBS Frontline special on undocumented farm worker women and sexual harassment, Rape in the Fields will be air on Frontline on Tuesday, June 25 at 10 p.m.  For more information, visit here.    

Immigration: Urge Senators to include a realistic roadmap to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and oppose amendments that undermine the pathway to citizenship.  

In the Spirit of St Vincent: Urge U.S. Representatives to oppose cuts to hunger programs and to support hungry people, promote stewardship of creation, assist small family farmers as they work on the Farm Bill.  (Scroll down)

Challenging Unjust Systems: Urge U.S. lawmakers to end Big Pharma payoffs in which millions of patients find it difficult to receive the medicine they need.     

Care of Earth:  Urge McDonald’s, the largest purchaser of potatoes in the U.S., to help stop genetically engineered (GE) potatoes by refusing to purchase them for use as fries.     

Care of Earth: Urge the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to suspend the use of neonics on crops that bees pollinate to keep bees from being poisoned.  

Urge members of Congress to repeal the most troubling sections of the PATRIOT Act, specifically those sections involving “library records provision,” roving wiretap provision, and the so-called “lone wolf” provision of which much publication on Verizon phone records has been collected. 

Urge President Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry, U.S. legislators,Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren to stop Israel’s blockade on education that has prevented Palestinian students in Gaza from pursuing higher education in the West Bank.    

Kentucky:  Urge the EPA to stand for clean water and healthy streams and reject the Division of Water’s attempt to weaken protections for fish and wildlife. 

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