Immigration: NETWORK invites individuals on November 12 to a community-wide fast being held for comprehensive immigration reform. On November 13, the Feast of St. Frances Cabrini, patroness of immigrants, individuals are invited to contact U.S. Representatives at 1.855.589.5689 (NO Charges) urging them to pass a bill that is comprehensive and includes a path to citizenship; and oppose the SAFE act. The SAFE Act is a concern because of its single-minded focus on immigration enforcement that will likely increase detentions and deportations and encourage racial profiling and unconstitutional detentions, without fixing any of the real problems of the broken immigration system.
KY Bluegrass Pipeline: A video of the Lorettos in Kentucky protesting the Bluegrass Pipeline is located here.
The Farm Bill continues in conference committee with individuals being urged to contact legislators in support of protecting food aid domestically (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) and international food aid by clicking here. (First item under "Take Action Now")
Care of Earth: Urge Secretary of State John Kerry to ensure that the U.S. steps up its leadership role in curbing aviation pollution.
Urge United Nation members to ask China for specific and monitorable commitments with regard to human rights before returning to the UN Human Rights Council.
Challenging Unjust Structures: Urge U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade (well-known and respected 65-year-old Palestinian-American activist working in Chicago) to drop charges filed against Rasmea Yousef Odeh on alleged immigration fraud who was arrested October 22 and reflects a pattern of repressive U.S. government actions against Palestinian activists and people who stand with them.
Individuals are invited to contact U.S. Representatives to urge them to co-sponsor HR 15 (Comprehensive Immigration Bill in the House) that provides a pathway to citizenship and to vote in support of this legislation this year.
The Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act (HR 3279) addresses state health exchanges and the potential federal tax subsidy for abortions, thus greater transparency. Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, individuals may eek to have abortions covered in their insurance policies and some of these insurance policies may receive federal tax subsidy thus using taxpayer money to fund abortions. This violates the policies governing all federal health programs. In no other program may federal funds subsidize any part of a health plan that covers such abortions; and nowhere else does the federal government forbid insurers to allow an 'opt-out' from such coverage on conscience grounds. Individuals are invited to call U.S. Representatives( to co-sponsor HR 3279.
Louisville Area: On Friday, November 15 on KET2, the recent legislation on Human Trafficking will be discussed. The same program will also air on Sunday, November 17 around 1/1:30 pm on KET.
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