Thursday, September 30, 2010

October 2010 Action Alert

October 2010
Analyzing Systems for Change in Human Action

All of us live in a world full of systems. Gertrude Foley, SC reminds us: “A ‘system’ is an entity that maintains its existence and functions as a whole through the interaction of its parts. Daily, individuals experience the work system, family system, economic system, spiritual system, and perhaps others. When individuals network with others, they encounter another set of systems. When individuals purchase goods or pay bills, there are more systems. To keep a system functioning, the sum total of its parts must continue to operate as a whole, take one part away and the system changes in function.

In analyzing and reflecting upon the many systems around us no matter what country we reside in, it is evident that human trafficking is more likely to be perpetrated in some systems and less so in others. For example, in the last Action Alert, individuals were asked to train their ears and eyes for those working within agriculture and the migrant population to be alert to signs of human trafficking. Thus, the system encompassing agricultural laborers can include those trafficked in the form of bonded laborers, herders at remote cattle outposts, and illegal immigrants among others.

Among the most common occupations around the world that play a role in human trafficking are:

Brick kiln industry
Embroidered textile/clothing industry
Construction industry
Pornography industry
Domestic servants
Tourism industry
Escort agencies
Massage parlors
Trucking industry
Prostitution systems
“Night Life” systems

The SCN corporate stand on human trafficking states, “We commit ourselves to work for systemic change by advocating for policies and programs that address the prevention of trafficking and give voice to those whose poverty makes them vulnerable to traffickers.” Additionally, the Blue Heart Campaign seeks to encourage involvement in the issue of human trafficking and inspire action to help stop this crime. Thus, what are some actions individuals can take to work at changing the system thereby preventing human trafficking?

Address the underlying causes of poverty
Improve access to education and employment for both genders
Promote education that emphasizes the dehumanizing effects of trafficking
Provide reflections on the dignity of the human person, women and womanhood
Demand that governments implement International Conventions to protect those trafficked
Urge governments to review, improve and implement comprehensive legislation at national level

Reflection/ Action: Reflect upon the systems I am surrounded by on a daily basis and before leaving home. What systems in my personal and public environment promote human trafficking? How might I change my actions to labor for prevention of human trafficking? For example, I may go to the market or store. While communicating with the individual at the market/store, what type of conversation would assure me that this product has not used any type of “forced labor?”

Individuals are invited to remain alert and pray for those who are trafficked as a result of the Commonwealth Games from the 3 to 14 of October in Delhi and the World Equestrian Games continuing through 10 of October in Lexington, Kentucky. On October 23, thousands of people will gather on the National Mall (United States) for the DC Stop Modern Slavery Walk, a united effort to celebrate human rights, raise awareness about human trafficking, and raise funds for organizations working to end human trafficking.

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

October 17 marks the 18thyear of promoting awareness of the need to eradicate poverty from all countries. It is highly important that the voice of the poor be heard recognizing not only that governments and social organizations have responsibility to eliminate poverty but individuals are also called to eradicate poverty.

The theme for this year is, “From Poverty to Decent Work: Bridging the Gap.” Activities to raise awareness of those individuals living in poverty will include dramas, stage shows, rallies, and programs. What action can I take that contributes to promoting awareness of the need to eradicate poverty?

To glimpse what individuals worldwide are doing to eradicate poverty, the Charity Federation invites individuals to visit the following websites and participate in some action. This is the Millennium Campaign site with up-to-date information on the status of the MDGs and suggestions for action This is the official Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP) site. GCAP is one of the world’s largest civil society movements calling for an end to poverty. This is the official United Nations website on the MDGs The impact of climate change falls heaviest on the most vulnerable. This site challenges us to action on behalf of those living in poverty.

For those wishing to engage youth, visit: The United Nations’ Cyber School Bus has created a new interactive MDGs website for youth including the goals, videos, activities, and an action guide for youth. Taking it Global, a collaborative learning community, recognizes the importance of enlisting youth in the campaign to achieve the MDGs. This site is full of games, campaign materials, blogs, and lots of resources. This site features audio and video messages from young people around the world, sample MDG project plans and real life stories about Voices of Youth members who are contributing to fight against poverty. Downloadable advocacy materials and lively discussions are also included at this website.

Action: Reflect upon what actions I can take that promotes awareness of the need to eradicate poverty. In deciding to take these actions, whom have I listened to? How is the spirit of St. Vincent exhibited in my actions?

United States 2010 Elections

The media in the United States is currently dominated with election ads and the analyzing of candidates. Yet, as Catholics we are called to responsible citizenship with participation in the political life as a moral obligation. The document, Faithful Citizenship, calls us to examine candidates for office through the lens of our moral convictions rather than through a political party or special interest lens. This document, written by the U.S. Catholic Bishops, states, “As Catholics we are not single-issue voters. A candidate’s position on a single issue is not sufficient to guarantee a voter’s support.” Rather, the morals in Catholic Social Teaching challenge us to make a priority for the common good.

Action: Citizens of the United States are urged to re-read the document Faithful Citizenship and prayerfully consider candidates for office through the lens of Catholic Social Teaching with a priority for the common good. A smaller 2-page summary is located here.


Solidarity with Southern Sudan

Solidarity with Southern Sudan is an initiative of UISG/USG sponsored collaborative venture of women and men religious congregations who have united their charisms, finances, and personnel in response to an invitation from the Catholic Bishops of Southern Sudan to help rebuild church and society after more than five decades of civil war. There is information on this project in the SCN media center and this website. On September 21, the International Day of Peace, 101 days of prayer for a peaceful referendum began. Voting on a referendum will take place on January 9, 2011. According to their website, “The campaign, “101 Days for Peace in Sudan” seeks to create a sacred space for prayer and religious, educational and cultural activities carried out throughout the 9 dioceses of Sudan. The theme for the campaign is: “Change your Heart, Change the World”.” Individuals and groups are invited to join in prayer with the people of Southern Sudan to pray for a peaceful referendum. Reflective materials for each day/week are located here. Those sponsoring this prayer initiative also have a daily prayer for peace in Sudan. Additionally, individuals can help advocate on behalf of Southern Sudan when opportunities present themselves.

Weekly Justice Highlights

Holding Governments accountable for actions to those most vulnerable: Individuals are invited to sign a petition to the wealthiest governments who are negotiating intellectual property rights. This means that the millions who rely on generic medicines to treat diseases may lose access to the drugs or be unable to afford the name-brand medications.

Care of Earth/Marginalized Peoples: Join the effort to defend the Xingu River and Help Stop the Belo Monte Dam that is going ahead without prior informed consent of the Indigenous people of the area by clicking here

Promoting Peace: Let President Obama know that Israeli-Palestinian peace must be based on human rights, international law, and UN resolutions by clicking here

Other Potential Actions:
The funding for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) expires today. Urge Senators to continue the funding in the continuing resolution they are looking to pass before the recess for elections by visiting here.

Individuals are encouraged to contact their U.S. Representative urging her/him to vote in favor of the Senate Child Nutrition Bill (S. 3307). Call toll free 1.877.425.4810 or email her/him

Urge U.S. legislators to exercise oversight responsibilities to assure aid is sent to Haiti as promised.

Urge Senators to support the Creating American Jobs and Ending Offshoring Act (S. 3816). With unemployment near 10 percent and outsourcing continuing, it’s time to limit debate, cut off a filibuster and vote.

Genetically Engineered salmon is in route to be approved; it is imperative that individuals urge Representatives to send letters to the Food and Drug Administration asking them to stop the approval process.

Encourage President Obama to strengthen engagement on Sudan by phone or by email.

Binka Le Breton will speak on “Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery in the Brazilian Amazon” on Oct. 1 at 6 p.m. at the First Unitarian Church of Louisville Sanctuary (809 S. Fourth Street). Parking is available on the street and guests are invited to enter through the front door. For more information, contact Teena Hal at 267-6883 or

Louisville, KY: On Oct. 2 at Memorial Park (4th and Kentucky Streets), a rally for worker and immigrant rights will be held beginning at noon. Contact Ben Ruiz at 502-589-3229 for more detailed information.

Louisville, KY: A David Rovics Concert, benefit concert for activist Anne Feeney and the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, will be held on Oct. 7 at Rudyard Kipling (422 W. Oak Street) from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Cost is based on a sliding scale $5 to $25. For more information about Anne or to make a donation, visit Contact Nancy Jakubiak at 939.3698 with questions.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Weekly Justice Highlights

Urgent - Death Penalty: Urge mercy for Gregory Wilson who is scheduled to be executed on September 16 in KY by clicking here (Act by Sept. 16)

Holding World Leaders Accountable: World governments made a promise in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs to be achieved by 2015) to work at preventing deaths of pregnant women and children, yet millions die each year. As world leaders gather to review the MDGs, individuals are invited to sign a petition urging world leaders to double aid for maternal and child health at this website (international action is available)

Cancellation of Debt: Sign a petition to the International Monetary Fund and all Pakistan’s creditors cancelling all interest for two years on any debt as a first step to cancelling debt for Pakistan at this website (international action, act this week)

Other Potential Actions:
Urge Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton to extradite Bolivian ex-president Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada for massacres and injuries to over 450 people after having authorized the use of lethal force by the military to break up the protests of September and October 2003 by clicking here (act this week)

The Child Nutrition Act is set to expire on September 30. Call U.S. Representatives to pass a strong Child Nutrition Act that increases funding to cover increased number of eligible children, increase outreach for enrolling all eligible children, and remove the use of SNAP (food stamp) funding as an off-set. (act this week)

Call U.S. Senators and Representatives (877.210.5351- toll free) and urge them to support at least a billion dollars for the National Housing Trust Fund to help communities build and preserve housing for the lowest income people. (Act this week)

Urge President Obama to commit $6 billion to the Global Fund over the next three years by clicking here (act this week)

Chilean companies that provide Giumarra with the off season produce you’ll see on Kroger’s shelves, under the Nature’s Partner label, are out of compliance with the worker rights’ code. Urge Kroger to do better

Urge U.S. Representatives to Reauthorize the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (H.R. 4116)

Tell U.S. Senators to pass the National Criminal Justice Commission Act (S. 714) that sets up a bipartisan Commission to review and identify effective criminal justice polices and make recommendations for reform.

Tell the Food and Drug Administration this week to halt approval of Genetically Modified salmon by clicking here

People all over the world will sing, chant, blow whistles, play drums, bang pots and pans, and set off alarms as part of “Stand Up, Take Action, Make Noise for the Millennium Development Goals” on September 17-19 in an act of turning up the volume on their call for heads of state gathering at the United Nations on September 20-22 to demonstrate leadership to achieve the MDGs. Register an event at In addition, non-governmental organizations have raised questions on a variety of issues and serve on Round Table Discussions to hold countries accountable as they make their reports during these days.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Weekly Justice Highlights

Good News: The Indian Government incorporated supplier liability into the nuclear liability bill.

Death Penalty: Urge mercy for Gregory Wilson who is scheduled to be executed on September 16 in KY by clicking here (Act before Sept. 16)

Water: Tap In, Pure Water for the World – Haiti is a 5 minute film entered in the category of Local/Global Partnerships in the International Film Competition. It is a collaborative effort between Fitzio, Inc., Pure Water for the World, Hand in Hand Ministries and Donna Fazio as Executive Producer. Votes are now being taken here (Act daily until September 15)

Challenging Unjust Structures: Tell Kroger to take responsibility and request proof of compliance from Giumarra Vineyards in upholding the standards they have set for their venders by clicking here (Act this week)

Other Potential Actions:
Add your name to a petition to President Obama and Treasury Secretary Geithner to encourage debt relief for Pakistan at this site (Act this week)

Urge U.S. Senators to support the New START Treaty because it makes our world safer by reducing nuclear weapons in a verifiable way by clicking here (Act this week)

Urge U.S. legislators this week to support strong U.S. leadership to secure a just peace in the Holy Land by clicking here

Urge Senators to support the Paycheck Fairness Act that would deter wage discrimination by closing loopholes in the Equal Pay Act and barring retaliation against workers who disclose their wages to coworkers by clicking here (Act this week)

Protect communities from toxic coal ash by sending a message of support to the Environmental Protection Agency this week by clicking here

Environmental Justice Tour in Louisville: The tour takes place on Tuesday, September 14, 2010 from 8:30 am - 12:30pm Continental Breakfast at 8:30am. Bus tour from 9:15am - 12:30. Space is limited - please reserve a place on the bus by calling the Earth & Spirit Center at 502.452.2749 or email:

Investing in Clean Energy: For those of you who pay utility bills, this is your chance to show the U.S. Congress how ready you are to invest in clean energy. Visit this site to take action.

LENT 4.5-CHRISTIAN SIMPLICITY is a 7-week faith formation program of conversion for Catholic communities. It inspires and informs Christians on how to use the traditional Lenten disciplines of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to care for God's creation and bring forth a just society. More information is at including whom to contact if you wish to use in a parish, as a family or in a work place.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Weekly Justice Highlights

Empowering Women: We continue to remember in prayer all those women and children who are abused in the many different ways around our world and recently for the rape victims of the Democratic Republic of Congo who were surrounded by an army.

Challenging Corporate Systems: TransCanada, a Canadian company, wants to build a 36-inch pipeline to carry up to 37.8 million gallons daily of dirty tar sands oil from Alberta, Canada through Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska and on to the Texas Gulf Coast. In August it dropped its application to the Dept. of Transportation for a waiver of standard limits on pressure but could re-apply after the pipeline is built. Urge TransCanada executive in charge of the Keystone pipeline project, Robert Jones to keep the lower, safer pressure and not to re-apply for a waiver by clicking here (Act this week)

Global Poverty: This month world leaders will meet at the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Summit to accelerate progress towards achieving the MDG targets by 2015. Urge world leaders to increase their focus on human rights protection as a solution to global poverty by September 10 here (Scroll down to the bottom of the page, international action available)

Other Potential Actions:
Sign a petition that will be delivered directly to ministers and senior officials attending the Annual Meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) to stop Pakistan’s debt payments allowing them to rebuild after the flood by clicking here

The U.S. State Department will soon decide whether or not to certify that the Colombian government is doing enough to prioritize human rights to merit continued U.S. military aid. Those who connect with School Of Americas Watch will be aware of Colombian government actions including: a surge in death threats against human rights organizations and advocates, with hundreds of threats being realized; in July 2010 a clandestine mass grave containing over 2000 bodies was discovered in La Macarena, Meta with the Colombian armed forces suspected to be responsible; thousands of Afro-Colombians continue to face eviction and displacement from their ancestral lands. Urge Secretary of State Hillary Clinton not to certify Columbia’s human rights record (call 202.647.2283) (Act as soon as possible)

Call Senators and Representatives urging them to support the DREAM Act allowing young people brought into the country by their parents as minors to attend college or enter the military and earn a path to citizenship. (Act this week)

Workers at Mott's Williamson, NY, plant have been on strike since May to protest the company's unfair negotiations. The stock of Mott's parent company rose 180 percent last year. Sharply cutting their workers' wages and pensions isn't a matter of keeping the business afloat; it's a matter of greed. Tell Mott’s that workers deserve fair negotiations this week by clicking here

Urge U.S. Senators and Representatives to introduce and pass legislation to establish a Gulf of Mexico Independent Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council to guide cleanup and rebuilding efforts and to ensure that the impact of future drilling projects on coastal communities is taken into account by clicking here

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Action Alert September 2010

Nurturing the eye for human trafficking on the local level

Last month, the public became aware of involuntary servitude and human traffickingby Vanderbilt Landscaping located in Tennessee (USA). A guestworker, Hilario Jimenez, was able to escape his “conditions of terror” to share his story with labor and civil rights leaders and later march with these leaders to confront Joffrey Vanderbilt. Jimenez received his passport and final paycheck and local law enforcement confiscated the remaining guestworkers’ passports and took statements from witnesses. Witnesses recounted bosses openly carrying pistols, surveillance on overcrowded housing, no freedom to travel to a store, pay for fewer hours, not being able to speak to others and the taking of passports.

Upon examination of the checklist for signs of human trafficking, forced labor and coercion are evident in:

  • Employer holds and controls the money for the workers
  • Employer pays only a fraction of the hours worked
  • Employer who controls passport/identification
  • Guestworker lacking understanding of terms and conditions of employment when recruited
  • Guestworker who has few possessions and crowded living conditions
  • Guestworker who is unable to speak for her/himself
  • Guestworker is isolated and under surveillance
  • Emotional abuse exists in the fear of a pistol

As individuals read and hear stories of human trafficking, it is pertinent to “analyze the story” for signs of trafficking as a way to become better at identifying signs of human trafficking.

With the World Equestrian Games set to begin on September 25 and end on October 10, there are individuals and groups in the Lexington (Kentucky) area educating others to stay alert to persons who may be trafficked. The SCN Family has helped to disseminate the static window clings on the United Nations Blue Heart Campaign in and around Lexington. Equally important is the SCN Family corporate statement opposing human trafficking where commitment to prayer, education and systemic change are highlighted.

Reflection/Action: Have I placed the static window cling for the UN Blue Heart Campaign against human trafficking in my car window if I received one? If not, why not? How have I grown in educating myself on the signs of human trafficking? What specific personal and congregational actions indicate a commitment to prayer, education and systemic change when it comes to human trafficking? How might I make use of the 2010 World Equestrian Games in these actions of prayer, education and systemic change?

2010 International Peace Day

The purpose of this day is to commemorate and strengthen peace both within the nation and individual persons as well as among nations and peoples. United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon announced this year’s Peace Day Theme as “Peace, Youth and Development.” The youth of our world have been involved in developing peace as is evidenced by peace poles being planted in schools, school programs that focus on peace, skills in conflict resolution, networking with peace pals in the global community, wearing peace buttons, and praying for peace.

Since the initial Peace Day, millions of people in all parts of the world each year host private and public events to commemorate and celebrate this day. In what ways will members of the SCN Family live, think and act their commitment to the peace pole message, “May Peace Prevail On Earth?” Ideas to begin your creative actions include:

  • Practicing and sharing conflict resolution skills
  • Writing a Peace Prevail on Earth song, poem or chant
  • Getting others involved in praying for peace ( or prayer service here)
  • Creating/Sharing Christmas cards with the message of peace

U.S. Tax Cuts Set to Expire in 2010

When Congress returns from its summer recess, the 2001 and 2003 Tax Cuts set to expire in 2010 will be debated. Congress will decide which of those provisions will be allowed to expire and which to extend. If Congress chooses to extend any of them, they will need to decide if they wish to do so permanently or temporarily. What is at stake includes:
  • Income tax brackets – currently brackets favor the wealthiest two percent
  • Capital gains and dividends - currently the rate is 15 percent, down from 20 percent for the minimum rate and down from 39.6 percent as the maximum rate
  • "Marriage penalty" - currently deduction is greater for those married than those who are single
  • Estate Tax - in 2010 the estate tax is allowed to be repealed if no action is taken
  • Child Tax Credit (CTC) - currently a family working at minimum wage would have a higher tax credit than if law expired
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 included a permanent extension of improvements in refundable credits that are highly important to low-income families. It is in this bill that the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) was improved by increasing the amount of money available to families with three or more children and increased the amount received by married couples.

Both the Senate and House have a paygo rule that basically states that all tax bills must be deficit neutral. However, Democrats are likely to endorse President Obama with regard to the tax cuts. President Obama proposes:
  • Make permanent 2001 and 2003 tax cuts to couples earning less than $250000/year that includes 98 percent of the U.S. population
  • Allow the 98 percent to continue paying the rates currently paid on income tax, capital gains and dividends.
  • Extend permanently the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act improvements in CTC and EITC.
  • Maintain the 2009 estate tax rate with exemption $7 million/couple and $3.5 million/person adjusted for inflation

For more analysis of President Obama and Republican perspectives on these tax cuts, see an analysis by Citizens for Tax Justice (includes state-by-state figures) here. A quote that places individuals in solidarity with those who have little, as Christ was is made by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, "The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."

Action: As the debate over tax cut extensions or expiration occurs, be attentive to many resources for analysis and reflection. Contact U.S. Senators at 202.224.3121begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 202.224.3121 end_of_the_skype_highlightingwith your opposition or agreement and rationale.

Child Nutrition Provisions

Before the August recess, the U.S. Senate passed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (S.3307). This bill renews child nutrition program that are set to expire on September 30, however the funding for the bill comes from SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program- food stamp) cuts. The bill now goes to the House upon their return to Washington, DC.

While the cuts are expected to save approximately 14.1 billion dollars over ten years, they also phase out the increase in food stamp money for families as was provided in the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act in 2009. According to the Food Research and Action Center, this translates to $59 less/month for a family of four beginning in November 2013. Yet, according to Mark Zadi (Moody economist), every dollar spent on the program generates $1.73 into the economy. Additionally, nearly half of those receiving food stamps are children according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. When the House resumes and considers this bill, it is highly important that individuals communicate their perspective of this legislation with House members. To avoid cuts to food stamps, Congress could close regressive tax loopholes and let expire the tax cuts that do not serve the needs of those most vulnerable in our society.

Action: Contact U.S. Representatives and share with them your views on the same bill in the House, H.R. 5504, Improving Nutrition for America’s Children Act.