Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Weekly Justice Highlights

Urgent - Death Penalty: Urge mercy for Gregory Wilson who is scheduled to be executed on September 16 in KY by clicking here (Act by Sept. 16)

Holding World Leaders Accountable: World governments made a promise in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs to be achieved by 2015) to work at preventing deaths of pregnant women and children, yet millions die each year. As world leaders gather to review the MDGs, individuals are invited to sign a petition urging world leaders to double aid for maternal and child health at this website (international action is available)

Cancellation of Debt: Sign a petition to the International Monetary Fund and all Pakistan’s creditors cancelling all interest for two years on any debt as a first step to cancelling debt for Pakistan at this website (international action, act this week)

Other Potential Actions:
Urge Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton to extradite Bolivian ex-president Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada for massacres and injuries to over 450 people after having authorized the use of lethal force by the military to break up the protests of September and October 2003 by clicking here (act this week)

The Child Nutrition Act is set to expire on September 30. Call U.S. Representatives to pass a strong Child Nutrition Act that increases funding to cover increased number of eligible children, increase outreach for enrolling all eligible children, and remove the use of SNAP (food stamp) funding as an off-set. (act this week)

Call U.S. Senators and Representatives (877.210.5351- toll free) and urge them to support at least a billion dollars for the National Housing Trust Fund to help communities build and preserve housing for the lowest income people. (Act this week)

Urge President Obama to commit $6 billion to the Global Fund over the next three years by clicking here (act this week)

Chilean companies that provide Giumarra with the off season produce you’ll see on Kroger’s shelves, under the Nature’s Partner label, are out of compliance with the worker rights’ code. Urge Kroger to do better

Urge U.S. Representatives to Reauthorize the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (H.R. 4116)

Tell U.S. Senators to pass the National Criminal Justice Commission Act (S. 714) that sets up a bipartisan Commission to review and identify effective criminal justice polices and make recommendations for reform.

Tell the Food and Drug Administration this week to halt approval of Genetically Modified salmon by clicking here

People all over the world will sing, chant, blow whistles, play drums, bang pots and pans, and set off alarms as part of “Stand Up, Take Action, Make Noise for the Millennium Development Goals” on September 17-19 in an act of turning up the volume on their call for heads of state gathering at the United Nations on September 20-22 to demonstrate leadership to achieve the MDGs. Register an event at In addition, non-governmental organizations have raised questions on a variety of issues and serve on Round Table Discussions to hold countries accountable as they make their reports during these days.

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