Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Action Alert September 2010

Nurturing the eye for human trafficking on the local level

Last month, the public became aware of involuntary servitude and human traffickingby Vanderbilt Landscaping located in Tennessee (USA). A guestworker, Hilario Jimenez, was able to escape his “conditions of terror” to share his story with labor and civil rights leaders and later march with these leaders to confront Joffrey Vanderbilt. Jimenez received his passport and final paycheck and local law enforcement confiscated the remaining guestworkers’ passports and took statements from witnesses. Witnesses recounted bosses openly carrying pistols, surveillance on overcrowded housing, no freedom to travel to a store, pay for fewer hours, not being able to speak to others and the taking of passports.

Upon examination of the checklist for signs of human trafficking, forced labor and coercion are evident in:

  • Employer holds and controls the money for the workers
  • Employer pays only a fraction of the hours worked
  • Employer who controls passport/identification
  • Guestworker lacking understanding of terms and conditions of employment when recruited
  • Guestworker who has few possessions and crowded living conditions
  • Guestworker who is unable to speak for her/himself
  • Guestworker is isolated and under surveillance
  • Emotional abuse exists in the fear of a pistol

As individuals read and hear stories of human trafficking, it is pertinent to “analyze the story” for signs of trafficking as a way to become better at identifying signs of human trafficking.

With the World Equestrian Games set to begin on September 25 and end on October 10, there are individuals and groups in the Lexington (Kentucky) area educating others to stay alert to persons who may be trafficked. The SCN Family has helped to disseminate the static window clings on the United Nations Blue Heart Campaign in and around Lexington. Equally important is the SCN Family corporate statement opposing human trafficking where commitment to prayer, education and systemic change are highlighted.

Reflection/Action: Have I placed the static window cling for the UN Blue Heart Campaign against human trafficking in my car window if I received one? If not, why not? How have I grown in educating myself on the signs of human trafficking? What specific personal and congregational actions indicate a commitment to prayer, education and systemic change when it comes to human trafficking? How might I make use of the 2010 World Equestrian Games in these actions of prayer, education and systemic change?

2010 International Peace Day

The purpose of this day is to commemorate and strengthen peace both within the nation and individual persons as well as among nations and peoples. United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon announced this year’s Peace Day Theme as “Peace, Youth and Development.” The youth of our world have been involved in developing peace as is evidenced by peace poles being planted in schools, school programs that focus on peace, skills in conflict resolution, networking with peace pals in the global community, wearing peace buttons, and praying for peace.

Since the initial Peace Day, millions of people in all parts of the world each year host private and public events to commemorate and celebrate this day. In what ways will members of the SCN Family live, think and act their commitment to the peace pole message, “May Peace Prevail On Earth?” Ideas to begin your creative actions include:

  • Practicing and sharing conflict resolution skills
  • Writing a Peace Prevail on Earth song, poem or chant
  • Getting others involved in praying for peace ( or prayer service here)
  • Creating/Sharing Christmas cards with the message of peace

U.S. Tax Cuts Set to Expire in 2010

When Congress returns from its summer recess, the 2001 and 2003 Tax Cuts set to expire in 2010 will be debated. Congress will decide which of those provisions will be allowed to expire and which to extend. If Congress chooses to extend any of them, they will need to decide if they wish to do so permanently or temporarily. What is at stake includes:
  • Income tax brackets – currently brackets favor the wealthiest two percent
  • Capital gains and dividends - currently the rate is 15 percent, down from 20 percent for the minimum rate and down from 39.6 percent as the maximum rate
  • "Marriage penalty" - currently deduction is greater for those married than those who are single
  • Estate Tax - in 2010 the estate tax is allowed to be repealed if no action is taken
  • Child Tax Credit (CTC) - currently a family working at minimum wage would have a higher tax credit than if law expired
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 included a permanent extension of improvements in refundable credits that are highly important to low-income families. It is in this bill that the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) was improved by increasing the amount of money available to families with three or more children and increased the amount received by married couples.

Both the Senate and House have a paygo rule that basically states that all tax bills must be deficit neutral. However, Democrats are likely to endorse President Obama with regard to the tax cuts. President Obama proposes:
  • Make permanent 2001 and 2003 tax cuts to couples earning less than $250000/year that includes 98 percent of the U.S. population
  • Allow the 98 percent to continue paying the rates currently paid on income tax, capital gains and dividends.
  • Extend permanently the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act improvements in CTC and EITC.
  • Maintain the 2009 estate tax rate with exemption $7 million/couple and $3.5 million/person adjusted for inflation

For more analysis of President Obama and Republican perspectives on these tax cuts, see an analysis by Citizens for Tax Justice (includes state-by-state figures) here. A quote that places individuals in solidarity with those who have little, as Christ was is made by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, "The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."

Action: As the debate over tax cut extensions or expiration occurs, be attentive to many resources for analysis and reflection. Contact U.S. Senators at 202.224.3121begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 202.224.3121 end_of_the_skype_highlightingwith your opposition or agreement and rationale.

Child Nutrition Provisions

Before the August recess, the U.S. Senate passed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (S.3307). This bill renews child nutrition program that are set to expire on September 30, however the funding for the bill comes from SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program- food stamp) cuts. The bill now goes to the House upon their return to Washington, DC.

While the cuts are expected to save approximately 14.1 billion dollars over ten years, they also phase out the increase in food stamp money for families as was provided in the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act in 2009. According to the Food Research and Action Center, this translates to $59 less/month for a family of four beginning in November 2013. Yet, according to Mark Zadi (Moody economist), every dollar spent on the program generates $1.73 into the economy. Additionally, nearly half of those receiving food stamps are children according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. When the House resumes and considers this bill, it is highly important that individuals communicate their perspective of this legislation with House members. To avoid cuts to food stamps, Congress could close regressive tax loopholes and let expire the tax cuts that do not serve the needs of those most vulnerable in our society.

Action: Contact U.S. Representatives and share with them your views on the same bill in the House, H.R. 5504, Improving Nutrition for America’s Children Act.

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