Thursday, December 2, 2010

Action Alert

December 2010 / January 2011
Ministering on the Margins: Migration, Immigration and Human Trafficking

While the words seem to be inclusive of much work and depth, this 2008 General Assembly Directive phrase of “ministering on the margins” has brought us to a new vantage point as a community and family. Toward this endeavor, a pause is being taken to reflect upon and celebrate the growth we have made together during this past year.

• Co-sponsored, read and shared the Stop Trafficking Newsletter
• Learned about and joined through our actions the United Nations Blue Heart Campaign Against Human Trafficking
• Displayed solidarity in opposition to trafficking through static UN Symbol on car window
• Educated self and others through our ministries
• Promoted awareness of human trafficking around the World Cup in Africa, the Equestrian Games in USA and the Commonwealth Games in India
• Congregational Leadership sent letters to hotels with regard to the World Cup and Equestrian Games urging actions that oppose trafficking of persons
• Awareness program on human trafficking done in 5 villages in Thanderbong (West Bengal) and people stopped sending girls to cities for menial jobs
• Self help groups provide income to reduce migration and poverty in Chaibasa (Jharkhand)
• Management of distribution shops to reduce migration and feed poor people in Chaibasa (Jharkhand)
• Income –generation projects funded by government to reduce migration and poverty in Sokho and Bakhtiarpur (Bihar)
• Sent letters to U.S. federal legislators on the Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Deterrence and Victims Support Act of 2010
• Urged Prime Minister Putin and President Medvedev to sign the Council of Europe Convention Against Trafficking in Human Beings
• Urged Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to protect Iraqi victims from human trafficking by designating Iraqi victims of sex trafficking as a “vulnerable population” eligible for expedited refugee status
• Collaborated with St. Joseph Church in Bardstown to host education event on human trafficking
• Congregational Leadership sent letter to Archbishop Kurtz and USCCB urging them to re-inforce CST immigration prior to mid-term elections
• Congregational Leadership sent affirmation letter to American Airlines for their efforts to be alert to human trafficking
• Workshop on human trafficking conducted at Nazareth
• SCN Ministry Fund awarded money to ten different organizations across the United States and India working with migrants and prevention of human trafficking
• Highlighted the following in the monthly Action Alert: Jesus as a migrant, poverty and migration, country policies on migration, women migrants, environmental refugees, promoting fair trade to rid labor trafficking, United Nations Blue Heart Campaign, Human trafficking resources and best practices, nurturing the eye and ear toward signs of human trafficking, indicators and where to find those trafficked, analyzing systems for signs of human trafficking, and standing with those trafficked through knowledge of products made with forced and child labor.

To continue reflection, individuals are invited to return to the strategic plan from the Office of Global Ministries. In this plan, you may remember that you were invited to write your own plan on the blank space provided under Ministering on the Margins. How have I grown this year? Where is growth still needed? Upon reflection, find some special way to mark your year of accomplishments and success.

As January unfolds, the Office of Global Ministries will highlight and work on another part of the strategic plan, which is an aspect of the 2008 General Assembly Directive entitled, walking gently on Earth.

• As the birth of Christ is remembered in our Christian tradition, what signs of the Universe story are present and continue to unfold?
• How do I place the Christ story in context of the Universe Story?
• How do I place Earth and humanity in the context of the Universe Story?
• How have these contexts brought individuals to greater inclusivity of all life and more intimate union with the Divine? ________________________________________

World AIDS Day is December 1

World AIDS Day is an important reminder to us that HIV has not gone away and that much remains to be done. Last month, Pope Benedict XVI shared some thoughts on the fight against AIDS in his book, “Light of the World” that has led to some misunderstandings in the media. Within the context of the book (near the end of the tenth chapter), the writer asks the Pontiff two questions on the fight against AIDS and the use of condoms. According to an article on the Catholic Bishops of India website, the “Pope reaffirms that ‘naturally the Church does not consider condoms as the authentic and moral solution’ to the problem of AIDS. At the same time the Pope considers an exceptional circumstance in which the exercise of sexuality represents a real threat for the life of another.”

In the Pontiff’s words, "There may be a basis in the case of some individuals, as perhaps when a male prostitute uses a condom, where this can be a first step in the direction of a moralization, a first assumption of responsibility, on the way toward recovering an awareness that not everything is allowed and that one cannot do whatever one wants. But it is not really the way to deal with the evil of HIV infection. That can really lie only in a humanization of sexuality." When asked to clarify, the Pope said, "She of course does not regard it as a real or moral solution, but, in this or that case, there can be nonetheless, in the intention of reducing the risk of infection, a first step in a movement toward a different way, a more human way, of living sexuality."

As individuals, in solidarity with the work of the Millennium Development Goal to combat HIV/AIDS, we are called to consider our personal involvement. Potential actions include:
• Create awareness of HIV/AIDS by sharing the facts
• Remember those who have died from HIV/AIDS
Pray for researchers, caretakers, orphans and those suffering from HIV/AIDS
• Educate self on an unknown aspect of HIV/AIDS
• Advocate for needs of people living with HIV/AIDS

International Human Rights Day is December 10

This day marks the anniversary of the presentation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights before the United Nations General Assembly. As the most translated document in modern history, it is a document that forms the basis for human rights all over the world. This year’s theme is, “Speak Up Stop Discrimination.” Thus our focus turns toward those who have worked to stop discrimination in history such as Gandhi, Mandela, or M.L. King. Yet, are we not all called to speak out wherever discrimination exists? This task of defending the Declaration of Human Rights must include everyone. Additionally, the 10th anniversary of International Migrants Day is December 18. What might be potential actions for human rights awareness on behalf of migrants in my country?

• Read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
• Reflect upon our own actions to see where we do and do not affirm the human rights of others?
• Pray that the dignity and rights of all are respected.
• Educate for justice by promoting values of peace and Catholic Social Teaching.
• What forms of discrimination and limitations on human rights exist in my country?
• Plan an event to commemorate human rights day at school, parish, or local community.
• Express solidarity with those who have experienced some form of discrimination or limitation of human rights.

Prayer: God of Justice, You have given all of your children human dignity and human rights. Help us recognize the dignity and the rights of all of human kind. Open our hearts to hear your teachings. Open our eyes to the suffering of those who are denied their basic economic, social, and political rights. Let our voices join in declaring all humanity is sacred, all human rights must be respected. (Source: Center of Concern)________________________________________
Year-end and Alternative Gift Giving

As the end of the year comes to a close and another begins, individuals are invited to consider these gift-giving choices whether that is during Christmas, Epiphany, or end-of-year tax donations often used as deductions in the United States.

•The House of Charity in New Orleans is looking for a new location that will include needs for renovation and furnishings. In solidarity with the members of the Federation, individuals are invited to make contributions to the House of Charity in New Orleans. Make checks payable to: Sisters of Charity Federation and indicate it is for the House of Charity in New Orleans. Send all donations to: The Sisters of Charity Federation NGO Office, 211 East 43rdStreet, Suite 504, New York, New York 10017

• The Vincentian Family is working at efforts to support sustainable development in Haiti at This announcement was made upon the 350th Anniversary of the deaths of St. Vincent and St. Louise. It is an effort to pool the resources of the International Vincentian Family and the Haitian Diaspora such that real change can be effected. Individuals can make micro-loans or donations to individuals and groups, give micro-credit as a gift in another’s name, offer a year-long scholarship for a child’s education, work toward re-forestation and agricultural sustainability and purchase Zafen items (t-shirts, buttons, coffee mugs, and more).
Solidarity with Southern Sudan

The UISG/USG collaborative venture of women and men religious congregations continues with the campaign, “101 Days for Peace in Sudan” that seeks to create a sacred space for prayer and religious, educational and cultural activities carried out throughout the 9 dioceses of Sudan in preparation for their upcoming referendum on January 9, 2011. These days of prayer are an invitation from the Catholic Bishops of Southern Sudan to pray for a peaceful referendum. Reflective materials are located on the Solidarity with Southern Sudan and Catholic Relief Services website that includes a daily prayer for peace, resources for ministry and advocacy in solidarity with Southern Sudan.

Contacting Congress
Contacting legislators by phone: 202.224.3121

The Honorable (name)
U.S. Senate (zip 20510)
U.S. House of Representatives (zip 20515)
Washington, DC

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.
Washington, DC 20500
Phone: 202.456.1111

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