Thursday, December 2, 2010

Weekly Justice Highlights

Good News: The Pittsburgh City Council has voted unanimously in mid-November to adopt a first-in-the-nation ordinance banning corporations from natural gas drilling in the city. A letter will be sent congratulating the city council and a 60 Minutes segment on drilling for natural gas- commonly known is ‘fracturing’

Water: The Environmental Protection Agency is still deciding whether to adopt new water quality standards. Convince federal authorities that these standards are necessary for protecting water quality in communities where coal is mined (scroll down to take action)

Immigration: Urge federal legislators to pass the DREAM Act as a first step toward Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Other Potential Actions
Call President Obama (202.456.1111) urging him to do all he can for the poor suffering from climate change as the UN climate change talks in Cancun, Mexico continue. (Act by December 7)

Urge Federal Legislators to support the continuation of the full Trade Adjustment Assistance program that would continue job retraining for service sector workers and to oppose all proposed “free trade” pacts with South Korea, Panama and Columbia

Unemployment Benefits expired on November 30th. Urge U.S. legislators to extend benefits available for the long-term unemployed for one year

Urge the U.S. Department of Agriculture to stop genetically modified sugar beets that causes genetic contamination of organic and conventional crops, and the development of super weeds resistant to herbicides

Contact U.S. Representatives at the above numbers or at 1.800.826.3688 urging them to make child nutrition a priority by supporting the strongest possible funding levels and improvements to be able to reach and help those most in need. Urge them to pass S. 3307, the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act and to ensure that Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programs funding be restored and safeguarded from further cuts.

President Obama is preparing his budget request for FY 2012 and is expected to include $3.075 billion in military aid to Israel. As Americans struggle with living-wage jobs, affordable housing, quality health care and massive cuts in government programs, now is not the time to support nor increase military aid to Israel. Urge legislators to end military aid to Israel

Individuals are invited to extend their personal wishes and prayers for our sisters and brothers in Bethlehem during this upcoming Christmas season before January 7, 2011 (Eastern Christmas) to the Arab Educational Institute at Sample messages from last year

Send a Christmas card to the President encouraging peace in Jerusalem at

This week President Obama proposed a two-year pay freeze for federal workers as part of efforts to reduce the budget deficit. Individuals who desire to encourage him can call 202.456.1111.

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