Thursday, March 10, 2011

Weekly Justice Highlights

Good News: Governor Pat Quinn has signed a bill that will abolish the death penalty in Illinois. Send a thank you

U.S. FY 2011 Budget is still trying to be worked out. The Senate Continuing Resolution takes a far more responsible path toward reigning in our federal budget deficit than H.R. 1 and protects both people and vital safety nets. Individuals are invited to call U.S. Senators at toll free 866.338.1015 or 888.245.0215 or write Senators telling them how individuals will be hurt with these cuts at Here is a link where you can see the possible effects that H.R. 1 would have on your state.

Afghanistan Troop Withdrawal: In November 2009, President Obama announced a withdrawal of U.S. troops in Afghanistan in July 2011. Individuals are invited to urge U.S. Representatives to sign a letter to President Obama urging commitment to the timeline. Adapt a message and then send an email

Care of Earth, Care of Self: Urge Congress to ensure that chemicals are safe before they end up in products we use, the air we breathe, the water we drink and ultimately, our bodies.

Other Potential Actions:

The Governor of Utah is considering signing the first Arizona copycat legislation in the country, along with other immigration measures. Considered together, these bills would constitute the most aggressive state-based regulation of immigration to date and a direct challenge to the longstanding constitutional principle that the regulation of immigration is an exclusively federal power. Contact Governor Gary R. Herbert urging him not to sign this legislation or leave a message at 1.800.705.2464 (toll free).

Urge President Obama to reject the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline and to focus instead on clean, safe energy alternatives.

The United States Catholic Conference of Bishops has a Lenten calendar

As the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (healthcare legislation) becomes a reality, concerned citizens are invited to remain vigilant as state budgets challenge implementation. The numerous waivers from the Department of Health and Human Services need to be examined for appropriate implementation and not a delay of implementation or exemption from implementation. States are currently working on Health Insurance Exchanges. Resources can be found here.

Water and Louisville, KY: On March 15th, Tim Guilfoile will be at the Clifton Center to discuss urban and global water issues. Information on training for water testing will also be shared.

KY: To commemorate the 8th Anniversary of the Iraq War, the Louisville Peace Action Community invites individuals to bring signs and friends on March 18th from 3 to 6 p.m. to the corner of 6th and Jefferson (Jefferson County Courthouse). For more information contact Harold Trainer at or 502.387.9490

: To mark the Spring Equinox, a Sacred Celebration will be held on March 19th at 7 p.m. at St. Matthews Episcopal Church (330 N. Hubbards Lane). The event is free and open to the public.

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