Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Weekly Justice Highlights

Challenging Unjust Corporations: Add your name to a letter asking the Department of Justice to break up Monsanto. Monsanto’s control of the seed market is so high that over o0% of soybeans, cotton and sugarbeets grown in the U.S. contain patented genes by this company. There exists great tension in influencing the US Dept. of Agriculture, EPA, FDA, Congress and the White House on issues where such a large corporation controls so much.

Care of Earth: Urge U.S. Senators to invest in solutions that work at ending our addiction to oil, like better fuel efficiency standards and public transit, instead of spending billions in cash handouts to the oil industry.

Care of Earth: Urge U.S. Representatives to close loopholes for companies involved in hydraulic fracturing by disclosing chemicals pumped into the ground and through the protection of the Safe Drinking Water Act.

Other Potential Actions:
Demand Egyptian officials investigate allegiations and stop torture and forced “virginity testing” on Egyptian women. (International Action Available)

Urge Costco to stop selling gold mined by children.

Stop the Columbia Free Trade Agreement.

Urge U.S. Senators to vote against any bill or amendment that blocks or delays the Clean Air Act’s protections from carbon pollution. (scroll down for action) Senator McConnell currently has an amendment to exempt carbon emissions from the Act and Senator Rockefeller has an amendment to delay controls on carbon emissions for two years.

Troy Davis, a gentleman on death row whose guilt is questionable, was denied appeal before the U.S. Supreme Court this week. Individuals are invited to sign a petition urging Georgia authorities not to execute Troy at Gather other signatures and fax a petition

A Fast for Hunger began March 28 and continues through April 24 in an effort to pray on behalf of people made vulnerable by budget cuts. More information is located here.

On April 4 to 11, the School of Americas Watch is organizing a fast for justice in the Americas, film screenings, lobby days, street art and street theater as well as a March and Direct Action (April 11) at the White House to Close the School of the Americas and to resist U.S. militarization. More information is located here.

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