Thursday, September 6, 2012

Weekly Justice Highlights

Care of Earth:  Urge 17 of KY’s rural electric co-ops to energy efficiency and renewable energy by September 7. 

Challenging Unjust Systems:  Urge members of Congress to support the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2012 (S. 3453/H.R. 6211) that would restore much of the lost value of the minimum wage and boost the paychecks of low-wage workers in the U.S.

Care of Earth:  You are invited to join in thanking and encouraging the Obama administration to continue strong climate action.  On August 28, new vehicle fuel-efficiency standards were announced.  

Challenging unjust corporate systems:  Walmart workers in Southern California are working in metal containers that reach over 100 degrees and have inadequate access to clean drinking water and ventilation.  Sign a letter to Walmart asking their executives to meet with warehouse workers and live up to their own Standards for Suppliers.  

Urge President Obama to designate the Arctic Refuge as a national monument and permanently protect this priceless national treasure for future generations.   

Recently, the Securities Exchange Commission released rules to implement the Cardin-Lugar Amendment – putting into place a set of new transparency standards that requires oil and mineral companies to open their books and stop hiding secret payments to local governments.  Thank Senators Cardin and Lugar and otherCongressional leaders for leading the way on transparency and accountability. 

September is Hunger Action Month when the Feeding America network encourages action on behalf of the nearly 49 million people facing hunger nationwide.  Donate food you would eat at one of the many food banks around the country.

Many participated in Election 2012: Catholics Vote for the Common Good project.  The Platform for the Common good for each state are available here.  Locate the platform, sign it and urge others to support it. 

Advent 2012, Paths to Peace by Terri MacKenzie, SHCJ with a focus on air is available here.   This free and ecumenical guide integrates the New Universe Story with matters of concern to our planet.  They follow the week’s Scripture readings.  

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