Friday, September 21, 2012

Weekly Justice Highlights

Care of Earth:  Urge President Obama to impose tough safeguards on oil and gas drilling (Hydraulic Fracking).     

Challenging Unjust Structures: Urge NBC and ABC to stop blackout coverage of the bank manipulation of a critical interest rate (LIBOR).  LIBOR is used as a benchmark for short-term interest rates globally and was heard about briefly a few months ago. 

Child Labor: Support union workers in Seattle and cocoa kids in West Africa by demanding that Whole Foods and UNFI (Whole Foods Distributor) respect workers’ rights and join other natural food stores in pointing out to Hershey that ethically sourcing a small amount of the company’s overall chocolate, does not erase the fact that most of Hershey’s profits are earned at the expense of children.    

Care of Earth:  Urge the Environmental Protection Agency to set stronger standards and limit toxic pollutants for all PVC plants. 

Challenging Unjust Systems:  Urge CA Governor JerryBrown to sign the Farm Worker Safety Act of 2012 (AB2346) and the Humane Treatment of Farm Workers Act (AB2676) that are now on his desk and have been approved by the Senate and the Assembly. 

Urge U.S.Representatives to oppose the Stop the War on Coal Act (H.R. 3409) that would repeal major controls on pollution and protections for public health and property across several landmark federal laws including the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.  Additionally, this bill would prevent the EPA administrator from protecting public health, private property, clean air and clean water. 

Individuals are invited to take and spread the Iran Pledge of Resistance that demands no attack on Iran and includes taking actions toward this effort.  

Urge U.S.corporations to place human rights before profits in Myanmar.  

Elections 2012:  President Obama and Governor Romney share how they will help hungry and poor people.     Individuals are encouraged to view these videos and let them know that eliminating hunger and poverty is an important election issue.   

Louisville: An Intensive Workshop on Nonviolent Communication will be held on September 30, from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Plymouth Community Renewal Center (1626 W. Chestnut street in Louisville).  The fee is $30 an includes lunch.  Please send check and name to Interfaith Paths to Peace (425 S. 2nd Street, Louisville, KY 40202). 

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