United Nations Blue Heart Campaign Against Human Trafficking
In addition to the South African World Cup Soccer Games in June/July and the World Equestrian Games (to be held in Lexington, KY) in September/October, we are aware that many individuals end up as “victims” everyday in the world of human trafficking. This is evidenced in the U.S. Department of State statistic that says “more than 27 million people are enslaved in forced labor, sexual servitude, and involuntary servitude at any given time in our world.” For those living in the United States, this is nearly four times as many “slaves” as during the height of slavery in the South. Globally, human trafficking is tied with illegal arms trade as the second largest criminal activity. In the SCN Family corporate statement on human trafficking, commitment to prayer, education and advocacy can be realized in the United Nations Blue Heart campaign against human trafficking.
The Blue Heart campaign is an effort to:
- raise awareness on the issue of human trafficking
- encourage individuals to become involved and inspire action to help stop this crime
- and allows individuals to demonstrate solidarity with victims by displaying the Blue Heart.
Reflection/Action: Consider what actions you have taken lately to stand in solidarity with the many victims who are trafficked daily.
- How do I share my reasons for opposing trafficking and knowledge I acquire with others?
- What prayers have I come across related to human trafficking? How have I shared them with others in the SCN Family? A couple of prayers are located here.
- The Office of Global Ministries is in the process of printing static window clings of the logo for use in windows including those of vehicles. In what ways can I display the Blue Heart logo for greatest communication of the message?
Millennium Development Goals Review
In September of this year, world leaders gather at the United Nations to perform a 10-year review of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). While progress has been made a great deal remains to be done if the international community is to realize these goals by 2015. The Sisters of Charity Federation signed on to a letter with 100 other civil society organizations through the Global Call to Action Against Poverty calling for a Millennium Development Breakthrough Plan to be achieved at the UN Summit with clear and concrete results for the 1.4 billion people who live in poverty.
The letter recommends and demands the following:
- a broad space for civil society participation at all levels
- a process addressing inequality, discrimination and lack of progress on gender equality
- execution of a gender and social inclusion audit
- an effective and inclusive monitoring and accountability component
- concrete measures for addressing corruption
- binding timetables in meeting the Official Development Assistance (ODA) targets
- new forms for financing development
- an integrated approach to development
- urgent steps to achieve MDG8
- productive employment must be a key component
- sufficient funds for climate change mitigation and adaptation
- a recognition of the centrality of emissions reduction to combat climate change
Action: Individual members of the Charity Federation and this coalition are now being asked to support this Plan through a letter to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon located here.
World Environment Day is June 5
This day calls us to pause and reflect upon all individuals/groups have done to nurture Earth and what must challenge us into the future to preserve Earth. The SCN corporate stand on water calls us to consider what can be done to conserve water in responsible actions. Am I aware of what is called “hidden water” or water used to create a product?
According to an April 2010 National Geographic chart on hidden water, there are 634 gallons of water used to produce a hamburger and 37 gallons used to produce a cup of coffee. Additionally, a human diet that regularly includes meat requires 60 percent more water than a diet that’s predominantly vegetarian. Promotion of one way of eating over another is not the full reflection that must take place. Individuals also need to consider from where their products are produced, the amount of water located in that region, and if production of the product is sustainable to the water table in that region.
In other words, is the product sustainable due to the amount of water required to produce it? If not, how can I change my consuming so as to share water with all my sisters and brothers?
A prayer service created by the Union of International Superiors General Commission for Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation is located here.
International Day in Support of Victims of Torture
On June 26, we commemorate the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. This day was first proclaimed by the United Nations to demonstrate solidarity with all those individuals impacted by torture.
According to Catholic Social Teaching, torture can never be justified since doing so would be contrary to the teaching on the life and dignity of the human person. Each person is created in the image of God and thus human dignity is of God’s design not some accomplishment or human quality individuals possess.
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has a mandate under international law to act as a neutral observer in conflicts and to protect civilians and prisoners of war from torture and abuse. For decades, the ICRC has acted to ensure that captured soldiers are not simply “disappeared,” but rather given the rights guaranteed to them under international law.
- What view does my country have with respect to torture? Who are the victims considered to be “tortured” by my country?
- Does torture or harsh interrogation techniques make citizens safer?
- What action could I take to urge elected leaders to guarantee that the International Committee of the Red Cross has access to detainees held by my country?
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