Thursday, May 20, 2010

Weekly Justice Highlights

Challenging Government Systems: A letter of transparency of extracting resources by all countries is located at

(Act this week)

Care for Earth: Urge US Senators to cosponsor the bi-partisan CLEAR Act, S.2877 and reject the Kerry Lieberman American Power Act with regard to global warming legislation at

(Act this week)

Challenging Corporate Structures: Contact Senators (1.888.854.1978) urging them to support the Merkley-Levin amendment that would safeguard insured deposits, stop conflicts of interest and prevent any weakening of regulations of derivatives at

Other Potential Actions:

Urge US Senators to oppose the Murkowski resolution that would weaken the Clean Air Act at

(Act this week)

H.R. 4213, the American Jobs, Closing Tax Loopholes, and Preventing Outsourcing Act, also referred to as the tax-extender bill contains unemployment and COBRA extensions to December 31, 2010; Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); National Housing Trust Fund; Federal Medical Assistance Percentages that preserves jobs in healthcare and summer jobs for youth. Urge members of Congress to vote for H.R. 4213 at or 1.877.210.5351

Urge US legislators to support (S. 3197 or H.R. 5015) that has a timetable for withdrawal from Afghanistan and also urge them to vote against all future war funding.

(Act this week)

Urge President Obama and members of Congress to permanently call off plans to open more offshore drilling and to invest in a clean and safe energy future at

(Act this week)

Urge US Senators to provide dedicated funding for water systems to make sure all have safe water at

(Act this week)

Urge the Chevron Manager to become transparent in all actions with all countries at

(Act this week)

Urge Nixon Jay, Governor of Missouri to stop the execution of Reggie Clemons pending more evidence at

(Act this week)

KY Residents: A special General Assembly session has been called to pass a budget. Call the legislative message line at 1.800.372.7181 (Monday through Friday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.) and urge Senate President David Williams, House Speaker Greg Stumbo, your state representative and senator to pass a just budget with real revenue reforms.

KY Residents: Contact KY Senators and Representatives emphasizing how application of the death penalty is uneven and arbitrary and not being used to punish the worst of the worst. Urge them to support its repeal and remind them we can hold dangerous killers accountable by long, and even permanent, prison sentences. Also contact Governor Steve Beshear, 700 Capitol Ave. Frankfort, KY 40601

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