Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Weekly Justice Highlights

Good News: Named for Eileen Egan, a co-founder of Pax Christi, long-time executive with CRS and friend to both Dorothy Day and Mother Teresa, the special recognition award was instituted in 2007 and awarded periodically to honor a group or individual who has “made a strong and extraordinary prophetic witness for peace in a time or situation of devastating violence or injustice.” Pax Christi USA will honor LCWR in recognition that “women religious are the backbone of the Catholic peace and justice movement. . . always on the frontlines where the weak and most vulnerable suffer at the hands of violent and unjust power. They have been our teachers, our guides, our mentors, and our conscience.” LCWR is humbled by this award which will be received on July 18 by LCWR president Marlene Weisenbeck, FSPA. To learn more about the conference, to be held in Chicago July 16-18, 2010, go to

Promoting Peace: Contact Senators as soon as possible with these three messages: (1) Vote NO on funding for the Afghanistan war, no matter what other measures are attached to it. (2) Vote YES on amendment 4204 to HR.4899 (the supplemental appropriation bill), submitted by Sens. Boxer, Durbin and Merkley, which in simplified language sets an exit timeline for withdrawing U.S. troops from Afghanistan. (3) Join the Out of Afghanistan Congressional Caucus initiated by Rep. John Conyers.

Challenging Unjust Structures: Urge the United Nations to establish an independent, international investigation without further delay to investigate human rights abuses in Sri Lanka at click here.

(Act this week)

Other Potential Actions:

Urge Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to halt all oil drilling in the arctic this summer

Gulf of Mexico oil disaster, it is imperative that you cancel plans to explore or drill for oil and gas in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas at click here.

Contact Representatives and Senators urging them to help families still struggling from the impacts of the economic recession by including the following in The American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act (H.R. 4213):

  • Urge funding for the National Housing Trust Fund that will provide housing for very low-income families and maintain and create jobs in the hard hit construction industry.
  • Urge continued funding for the successful job creation program for low-income youth.
  • Urge the extension of unemployment insurance eligibility for laid-off workers through the end of this year.
  • and/or send them an e-mail

Southern Company is one of the most polluting utilities in the world, with nearly 70 coal-fired power plants generating over 50 percent of its power and it is one of the largest political contributors to Congress, contributing hundreds of thousands of dollars to members of Congress who vote to oppose new regulations and deny funding to clean energy alternatives such as wind and solar. In seeking to care for creation it is time to tell Southern Company to phase out polluting coal plants like Plant Scherer and invest at clean energy. A letter for editing is at

Visit Place your mouse on any country and see the number of persons being born and dying, and the Co2 emitted in that country.

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